This song was used after a message on June 28th, 2020. Browns Bridge hasn’t been meeting due to Covid-19 since mid March. This was broadcast online on demand only.
Cinematographer, Editor, Director
Gary and Riley’s story was used in our service on October 13th, 2019. One week prior we filmed all interviews and b-roll on a Sunday they were scheduled to serve. It was used as recruiting material for volunteers in Browns Bridge’s parking team.
Roles: Cinematographer (All Camera Work), Editor, Director
This video played before the message at all Northpoint Ministry campuses and some Strategic Partners for Easter 2018. I led a small team of contractors on a week long trip to the southwest United States to capture footage for use in this video.
Below the main video is a link to Browns Bridge’s service. Footage not used in the main film was used throughout our service.
Roles: Cinematographer
Sam’s Story was used on August 8th, 2018 in a Night of Worship at Browns Bridge Church.
Below is a link to the entire Night of Worship. The video was used as an intro to the message, then the second half of the video was used to setup Sam’s baptism.
Introducing You was a three part series at Browns Bridge Church. This video was used as a title package for the message.
The second video was used as social media promotional material.
The third image was final key art for the series.
Roles: Art Direction, Designer, Cinematographer, Editor,
Browns Bridge’s Christmas service for 2019 had a lot of moving parts.
The first four images is the branding for our service. The fifth image is a physical hand out in the style of a ticket.
The video was our opening to the service. Below it is a demo of the unfinished video file. A large curved video wall had the choir on it and four carts with some led product was used on the outside wings of our stage.
The recap video was produced overnight on Saturday and posted on social media on Sunday.
Next is a render from one of the songs in our service. I produced this piece with the help of a motion designer.
And last on the list is a video from a series of promotional videos that were posted leading up to Christmas. The actor in this video is also used in the beginning of the service.
Role: Art Direction, Editor, Live Video Engineer and Director
On the first Sunday of December we opened our newly renovated middle school and high school student space with this hosting bit and game.
Roles: Live Video Engineering and Direction, Creative Development
This is a recap video posted two days after our baptism opportunity at Browns Bridge Church.
Roles: Video Team Lead, Editor
This is a few segments of a PBS special that aired on Georgia Public Broadcasting and the Louisiana Public TV System.
Roles: Producer, Director, Editor
Roles: Playback, Projection Mapping, Video Engineering
The first video was used as a title package before a message.
The second video was used at the end of a message to setup the baptism of the Straub family children.
Roles: Cinematographer, Editor, Live Video Engineering, Title Package Art Direction